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Falconry, by definition, is the hunting of wild animals in their natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey.


Licensed falconers are not permitted to use their birds for exhibition, education or in any instance of monetary gain.


Please feel free to browse and learn more about "The Sport of Kings" as it is practiced in the Sooner state.  There is a fine tradition of falconry in Oklahoma, and it is our pleasure to share a glimpse of that ongoing tradition.

  • To facilitate and disseminate communication and information among and to members.

  • To promote the conservation of raptors, hunting habitat, and game.

  • To seek and promote laws and regulations that facilitate the proper practice of falconry, and the special hunting seasons required for falconry.

  • To establish and promote traditions that will aid, perpetuate, and further the welfare of falconry and the raptors falconry employs.


Sundowner Studios
Hawkward Hunters Creations.jpg

All the contents on this website is property of The Oklahoma Falconers Assoc, Copyright 2010

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