Perry, Oklahoma Saturday September 5, 2020
The Boathouse @ CCC Lake
Some of us have had it with the lockdown. If you would like to be part of an informal round table discussion about falconry, here is your chance. Bring your questions, ideas, plans for the season, etc., just leave the ego on the porch!
Please bring enough food and beverages for yourself and a little extra to share. I will have a grill ready to go.... If you want to keep it full, I'm game!
I will be set up by 10:00 AM.... we can go till the sunsets! All animals are welcome, Dogs have to be leashed as this is a public park. The lake is stocked, so bring your poles, boats or kayaks, if you are so inclined.
Please let me know if you are attending by making a post on either of our Facebook pages or call/text 580-336-7684.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone..... It's been a long off season. Let's start the 2020-2021 hawking season off right!
Jet, Oklahoma September 20 - 26, 2020
Mark Runnels has opened his two private trapping sites to everyone. They are on private property but we will be camping in The State Park. There are camper slips, tent sites, and cabins available. There are also public restrooms with showers on the grounds as well.
We will be ready to trap on Saturday the 20th everything except Peregrines, which opens on the 21st. Please consider bringing pigeons with you, we are always looking for extras! Seats in the blind are limited, we can't accommodate everyone, but will try to get everyone rotated in that wants the chance.
Please let us know if you would like to attend by posting on the facebook pages.
Alva, Oklahoma November 6-8, 2020
Holiday Motel
701 East Oklahoma Blvd.
Alva, Oklahoma 73717
Rooms starting at $45/night
Weathering yard in parking lot.
Call for your reservations
Currently the area has plenty of Jacks/cottontails, quail, pheasant. This meet is before duck season unfortunately.
818 Diner, Pizza Hut, El Maya Mexican, Cancun Mexican, Gambino's Pizza,
Subway, Sonic.
This will be a dirt hawker and upland meet. Come out and have a good time hawking with The OFA. Everyone is welcome.
Contact David or Phil with questions.
2021 Winter Hawking Meet
With regret, The Board of Directors of The Oklahoma Falconers' Assoc. has decided to cancel the 2020 Picnic/Business meeting.
The health and safety of our members are our main concern.
We hope everyone has a safe and successful hawking season.
The Wildlife Expo is scheduled for September 25 through the 27th in The Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, Oklahoma. As usual, The OFA will have a booth. Friday 9/25 is for schools only, Saturday and Sunday is open to the public.
Unfortunately The State has cancelled the Outdoor Expo this year. Hopefully we will see you next year!
The picnic was a blast!!! Thank you to everyone that helped make the comeback from the year of fear a success.
The OFA would like to recognize, Ron Lloyd, Joel May and Rob Summers for securing a beautiful venue, procuring some great BBQ and spearheading a fantastic raffle! A job well done gentlemen!
The event was held at Arcadia Lake, at The ODWC Education Center, in Edmond, OK. We couldn't have asked for a more picturesque location or better weather for our annual club picnic.
The main course was supplied by the club and all the sides and desserts were brought by members. A meal fit for kings I tell ya'!
The morning started with a round table discussion on falconry issues and new laws in Oklahoma. We adjourned to meet with some old friends and make some hew ones as we set up for lunch.

After some great grub, we gathered inside to start our annual business meeting. I am impressed to say we had much more than a required quorum to carry on!!
It was good to see many of the long time members, new falconers and pre-apprentices, gather to share or compare experiences and knowledge. This is where our organization shines!
During our meeting we heard about some of the great things we accomplished as a whole. Such as, headway on the "squirrel bill", 2021 NAFA meet in OK., and future workshops, to name a few.
This was also the year to elect a new board of directors. The membership would like to thank the 2019-2021 board for everything they have done for our club. We hope the new board will have great success leading the club into the next two years. Thank you to everyone that stepped up to help.
At the close of the meeting we recognized some of the members from The Kansas Hawking Club. Thank you for making the long drive to spend the day with us.

Meeting adjourned......... now it's raffle time!!!! Look at all those tables filled with donated items!! Long time falconers, apprentices and pre-apprentices alike.... were bating off the glove to get started! I cannot thank all those who supported our cause enough. Your generosity was amazing!

Another great OFA event in the books! We hope to see you at our workshops this summer and our meets this winter. Till then.... hope you have a great off season and a clean molt.
Cheers for now.....

2021 Apprentice Workshop
On Saturday August 28th, hundreds of years of collective falconry experience met from all corners of the state to host the 2021 Oklahoma Falconers Association Apprentice Workshop.
Pre-Apprentice and Master falconers alike arrived at the Edmond firehouse for a day to share and learn. Topics ranged from bird husbandry and dog training, to telemetry and trapping. While each topic discussed was only a brief introduction into the respective field, presenters had visual aids, slideshows, handouts, video clips, and even a scale model of a bow net trapping station to help illustrate aspects of being a falconer.
The open forum style event allowed prospective falconers to have free-flowing conversations with the presenters and audience.
The OFA would like to thank Chris for putting this day together. Your dedication to our sport and our club is very much appreciated. To all the presenters, thank you again for helping our club make better falconers!
We hope to see all of you at our future events in 2021 and 2022!
Cheers for now.

The Wildlife Expo is scheduled for September 24 through the 26th in The Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, Oklahoma. As usual, The OFA will have a booth. Friday 9/24 is for schools only, Saturday and Sunday is open to the public.
Due to another outbreak of Covid 19, The 2021 outdoor Expo will not go on as planned. See you all in 2023!
2022 OFA/KHC Friends Meet
Our annual friends meet with the Kansas Hawking Association will be March 4-6 at our usual spot, Cowley County State Lake, Spring Creek Kansas.
Like usual, this is an informal meet just over the Kansas State line. Most of us camp in the park, but there are a few motels just a few miles away. The weather looks promising, so we hope to see you there.
OK Falconers Assoc.com
The OFA proudly supports these fine organizations.

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2024 OFA Picnic & Business Meeting
Sat. June 1, 2024
Edmond, OK
August 24, 2024
Perry, OK
2024 Fall OFA Meet
2024 Winter OFA Meet
November 14-20, 2021
The State no longer registers our falconry birds. You now must register them with the Federal Govt. The link above is a tutorial on how to do so.