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2021 NAFA
2021 North American Falconers Assoc. Annual Field Meet

The OFA hosted one hell of an event at The Lodge at Quartz Mountain in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma in November. OFA President Elect, Phil Salvati and NAFA Director and OFA member, Robert Huber Co-Chaired the annual field meet. Along with the aid of a hand picked committee, they all spent many months preparing for the week's festivities in southwest Oklahoma.

We are very thankful to everyone that helped make NAFA's 60th Anniversary a meet worth attending! The raffles were fantastic, the donors this year really went over and beyond. The facility, food, hawking areas, event staff, etc., were second to none. Yes, the game was difficult to find, but those that put the time in were rewarded with great success!

The Meet Print for the 2021 Annual NAFA Field Meet was painted by Dr. Gayla Salvati, an Oklahoma based Veterinarian. She is a falconer as well as a member of The Oklahoma Falconers Assoc. The oil on canvas is titled, "Waiting On", a play on words relating to hawking with a falcon. Gayla was elated to find Robert Huber, hood maker, NAFA Director, OFA member and Oklahoma resident the winner of the original art work. Rob about jumped out of his chair when his number was called!

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Several representatives from The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife were present at the event all week. We are fortunate to have a great working relationship with our local government officials. They were exposed to many different aspects of falconry. Some were privy to hawking with eagles, apolomado falcons, peregrine falcons, harris' hawks, redtail hawks, etc.
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Judging by the comments from the attendees, the meet was well received. It was quite the undertaking with all the road blocks of Covid. In the end, it all worked out and another successful meet is in the books.

Thank you to everyone that helped! You are what makes OFA and NAFA great!


All the contents on this website is property of The Oklahoma Falconers Assoc, Copyright 2010

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